Opening Government Data through Mediation:
Exploring Roles, Practices and Strategies of (Potential) Data Intermediary Organisations in India

A study by HasGeek Media LLP
Part of the Exploring the Emerging Impacts of Open Data in Developing Countries research network
Supported by World Wide Web Foundation and International Development Research Centre, Canada

Mapping Data Practices of (Potential) Data Intermediary Organisations in India

Note: This section is incomplete.


The study consisted of semi-structured interviews with various non-governmental and non-commercial organisations in India, across sectors, who work with national-scale datasets created by government agencies. This map, featuring the organisations interacted with during the study, gives an overview of the common practices of accessing, using and re-sharing government data by these organisations.

The data displayed in the table below can be accessed here (in ODS format). An extended version of the map can be accessed here. Both data files are shared under CC BY-SA 2.5 India license as the rest of the research outputs.

To contribute further information, or to modify existing information, please write to Sumandro.

The Condensed Map

Organisation Issues Methods of Access Formats of Access Manners of Use Methods of Sharing Formats of Sharing
Accountability Initiative, Centre for Policy Research Budget and expenditure analysis; demystifying governmental procedures and decision making structures; accountability activism; elementary education, health and nutrition. Government agency websites; data shared by government officials (in digital and paper format); collection of data from government offices in person; RTI requests, data products sold by government agencies and other agencies. Spreadsheets, PDF, HTML tables, paper documents, survey sheets (filled in by surveyors). Budget analysis, expenditure and policy briefs, infographics (online and printed). Through website; directly shared datasets with partner organisations. XLS and PDF.
Akvo Foundation
ASER Centre
Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability
India Biodiversity Portal, Strand Life Sciences
India Energy Portal, The Energy and Resources Institute
India Environment Portal, Centre for Science and Environment
India Urban Portal, National Institute of Urban Affairs
India Water Portal, Arghyam
Hyderabad Urban Lab
Karnataka Learning Partnership
National Election Watch, Association for Democratic Reforms
PRS Legislative Research
Transparent Chennai, Institute for Financial Management and Research

Clarification of Table Headers

Issues: The issues that the organisation engage with.

Methods of Access: The methods used by the organisation to access government data.

Formats of Access: The formats in which the accessed data (by the organisation) is available.

Manners of Use: The forms in which the organisation uses the accessed data.

Methods of Sharing: The methods in which the organisation re-shares government data.

Formats of Sharing: The formats in which the organisation re-shares government data.